What Is An Ergonomic Chair And How Do I Select My Ideal Seat?
There are many options available, but what is an ergonomic office chair? What features must it have? How do you make the right choice?
For most people, a typical desk job constitutes their daily routine, and unfortunately, this often means extended periods of sitting, resulting in significant inactivity during the workday. Our bodies are not naturally built for such prolonged periods of sitting, which can lead to a range of health issues, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even depression. In recent years, South Africa has witnessed a surge in the popularity of standing desks, which come in various forms, including electronic models and more affordable options like desk sit-stand converters. These innovative workstations are marketed as tools that can help mitigate the health risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle while simultaneously improving our physical wellbeing. 10 Things That Happen When You Sit Down All Day. But does this claim hold true, and what are the advantages of a standing desk?
Weight gain is caused by consuming more calories than you burn. Without doubt, exercise is the most effective way to burn calories. However, as found in studies conducted by Harvard Medical School, simply standing instead of sitting can also be beneficial because the energy consumed during standing is higher than when sitting.
Studies of the effects of continual sitting on heart health have shown that the more time you spend sitting, the greater your risk of developing heart disease.
Studies show that standing at work can lower blood sugar levels, especially after lunch.
A standing desk allows you to adjust the height of your desk so that you can set up your office chair independently and correctly. Once your chair is properly positioned, the desk height can then be adjusted to suit your seated position, enhancing the ergonomics of your workstation. This personalised setup significantly reduces the common complaint of strain on the shoulders, neck, and lower back pain. This issue is more pronounced among taller individuals who would also benefit from having a look at the Best Office Chairs for Tall People.
Numerous research studies have consistently demonstrated that one of the primary advantages associated with the adoption of a standing desk or a desk converter is the substantial reduction of chronic back pain that results from prolonged sitting. Standing Desks: How They Help You Beat Inactivity
Affordable electric sit-to-stand or height adjustable standing desks are now readily accessible in South Africa.
Alternating sitting and standing while you work, or using a desk sit stand converter, appear to have a positive influence on overall wellbeing. Studies have shown that users are less stressed and fatigued compared to those who remained seated the entire working day. Another study found that standing desks can improve mood and energy levels.
A common concern about standing at your work surface, is that it reduces productivity. However, studies have shown that alternate sitting and standing has no significant impact on productive output. Bearing in mind that standing improves mood and energy, using a standing desk is more likely to boost productivity rather than hinder it. Ergonomics of a Standing Desk
Studies have found a link between increased sitting time and early death, which is not surprising given the strong correlation between sedentary time, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. With the introduction in South Africa of the HiLo Range of affordable sit stand desk options, there is no excuse for not reducing your time spent sitting and improving your wellbeing.
There are many options available, but what is an ergonomic office chair? What features must it have? How do you make the right choice?
Choosing the right office furniture suppliers in South Africa is crucial for creating a productive, comfortable, and stylish workspace.
Discover essential features to look for in a home office chair and learn how to create the perfect workspace that supports your body.