What is WorkRite?

Karo’s WorkRite offering provides a holistic furniture solution to your working environment that incorporates best practices in ergonomics. WorkRite forms the cornerstone of our business furniture solutions and includes 4 essential steps:

    • Firstly, our experienced team will conduct a detailed analysis of your workplace. This initial stage is critical as it highlights your specific needs and operating parameters. For example, are you looking for furniture for a laboratoryoffice or call centre? How many hours per day will it be used, etc?
    • Step 2 in WorkRite (product realisation),we use this information to assist us in recommending only those products that best meet your requirements.
    • Having selected the products, we will then (step 3), provide your staff with the necessary training and knowledge to ensure they utilise the products to achieve the maximum benefit.
    • Finally, in step 4, we close the WorkRite loop by including resources like after-sales support and finance options, to ensure that your experience exceeds your expectations.
Step #1 - Workplace Analysis

This initial stage is crucial in determining the specific needs and requirements of your work area. 

    • Workstation Needs Analysis
    • Ergonomic Evaluation & Benchmarking
    • Workstation Impact Assessment
    • Workstation Setup
Step #2 - Product Realisation

Based on the information gathered during Step #1, we now review the product options available.

    • Product Selection
    • Product Configuration
    • Product Life-Cycle Costing
    • Workstation Setup
Step #3 - Training

Staff training is vital. Our team will utilise our extensive Knowledge Centre and product videos to provide training in the following areas: 

    • Workplace Ergonomics
    • Workstation Setup
    • Health & Wellness
    • Product Care
Step #4 - Resources

Should you require it, our team are available to assist you with:

    • Tender Applications
    • Finance Options
    • Installation & Waste Removal
    • After Sales Support

Furthermore, our extensive Knowledge Centre includes many articles on ergonomics and workstation setup.

Book your no-obligation WorkRite© appointment now!

karo office chairs for sale, specifically for call centers and 24/7 multi-shift workers
Ergonomic office chairs